
Why go with the risk when the free secure email is available and you can encrypted email account today.

Your email service does not provide you the benefit of the cloud? If so, then you switch to Tutanota webmail site. It is a fremium strong focus hosted secure and private email service. It is a free and open-source that allows the email software with end to end encrypted. User can easily encrypt emails on its every particular device. Tutanota is using the best method for earning that is “Advertisement, Donation & Subscription.” These methods usually come in a business model excludes which allow any company to get money by making through these business statistics.

Tutanota is a German-based company which is available in multi-languages. This webmail type of site has 2 million users as per recorded in 2017.

Benefits of Tutanota

It provides automatic backup from the cloud. It enables the fastest cloud benefit of flexibility. The cloud benefits on Tutanota provide the availability that does not compromise on security. You can build private access data with Tutanota encryption. Another theme benefit comes with dark, beautiful GUI and light. The themes also include Full-text search, instant push notification, swipe gestures, auto-sync, etc.

Tutanota Privacy

  • A beautiful community supports it.
  • Tutanota is constructed by a team that is enthusiastic about the right to privacy of everyone.
  • It allows Tutanota to develop our team to make Tutanota a success without relying on the interests of venture capital.


  • You are not tracked or profiled by Tutanota.
  • Innovative full-text search functionality allows you to search your mailbox easily.
  • Secure reset password that provides us no access whatsoever.
  • Only you can access emails & contacts that have been encrypted.
  • Open-source client & apps.
  • DMARC, PFS, DANE, DNSSEC, and DKIM support TLS.
  • 100% Strictly Data Protection Laws (GDPR) created and situated in Germany.

How To Sign-up With Tutanota

Three Steps to Sign-up for Tutanota Account. It is effortless to sing up with Tutanota, and you will get the choice of free service with premium and pro base subscription. There is a single option mention in sing up page which provides all three subscription option while in the business option you get only paid option.

Step  #1. Click on the free account, and a notification will appear “only one free account is allowed per person. Please confirm that you do not own any other Tutanota free accounts”. Press the “OK” button and go ahead.


Step #2. Now fill the complete details, make sure everything is real and also build a strong password.  Tick on I has read… and I am 16 years old. Now click on the “Next” button.

Step #3. Now your account is preparing, at this step, you will see the summary of your account and click on the “OK” button, and your account has been generated.

Note: Please ensure that your password is not lost as it cannot be reset.

Step #4. Now go to login and enter email address and password and then click on “Log-in” button.


As a new account, you will get the screen like this, see the screenshot.

Final Words:

Tutanota is a secure, active encryption-protected Tutanota mailbox. They can’t even access the developers. You are the only one with your password that can decrypt your messages and contacts. If you have any question or query related to this topic, then share with us through the comment section. We hope that you have secured your emails by using Tutanota platform and also help your family and friends to ensure them too by spreading this information.