Login to Leadsquared

Sales execution is a feature that most leading companies are continually chasing. From offering comprehensive sales processing to ensuring additional features like digital onboarding, field force automation, etc., Leadsquared is one of the most popular names in the sales niche.

If you are entirely new to the concept or name of Leadsquared, we have lined up all the information that you possibly need to know in this guide.

How to Register on Leadsquared?

Before you even think about logging into the Leadsquared portal, you must familiarize yourself with the registration process since that’s the first step you have to get started with.

Here’s what you need to do:

Leadsquared login


Get higher efficiency out of your call center, feet-on-street, digital sales and merchant operations. .

  • Open your browser and then open login.leadsquared.com first
  • On the homepage, you need to click on the Sign-up page
  • Once you are redirected to the registration page, enter the business email ID you will use
  • Click on Free Trial

The free trial lasts for a week or so, after which you will get a call from the company’s agents to discuss the fee structure and whether or not you’d want to continue or not.

How to Login to Leadsquared?

Once your free trial option is over and you have transferred to the paid version of the app, the login process is pretty simple. Ensure that you have a check of the registration since that will make all the difference.

Here’s what you need to do to log into the portal:

  • Open the official website at login.leadsquared.com
  • You need to enter the registered email address
  • Click on Next
  • You need to enter your username and password to be able to log into the portal

In case you forget your password, there is an option wherein you can retrieve your lost password. However, ensure that you have access to the registered email ID that you signed up with. This allows you to receive the required password restore email so you can change it accordingly.

How much does Leadsquared cost?

If you are 100% new to using Leadsquared, knowing about the different pricing plans and packages is crucial. You will have to avail the paid packages once your free trial is over.

There are three pricing plans and packages available:

  • Sales execution CRM – starting at INR 1250 per month
  • Field force automation – starting at customized pricing
  • Marketing automation – starting at INR 25,000 per month

Under each of these primary sections, you have a series of sub-sections, including Lite, Pro, and Super that you can consider looking into.

In case you have any further queries or confusion regarding the pricing plans, Leadsquared encourages the users to directly contact them via www.leadsquared.com/contact. Users can also contact via phone call, which is a bonus.


Leadsquared is a leading sales platform that more and more companies are integrating into their business model. If you are confused about the registration and login process, we hope this article gives you all the insights that you need to get started without any hassle at all.