How Ethereum Become As Big As Today

Ethereum is a blockchain platform that was first introduced in 2015. It has quickly become one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrencies in the world, second only to Bitcoin. Ethereum’s success can be attributed to several key factors. In this article, we will explore the factors that have contributed to Ethereum’s rise and popularity.

Smart Contracts

One of the most significant factors contributing to Ethereum’s success is the ability to execute smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that automatically perform the terms of the agreement when the conditions are met. This has significant implications for a wide range of industries, including finance, real estate, and healthcare.

Decentralized Applications

Ethereum allows developers to create decentralized applications (DApps) that can run on the platform. This has opened up a world of possibilities for developers looking to create innovative applications that are not subject to the control of centralized authorities.


Scalability is a significant challenge for any blockchain platform, including Ethereum. The more transactions a blockchain network has to process, the slower and more congested the network becomes. In the early days of Ethereum, this was a significant issue, with transaction processing times and fees skyrocketing during periods of high network usage. However, the Ethereum development team has been working on several solutions to address this problem.

Other scaling solutions that Ethereum has introduced include state channels, which allow for off-chain transactions between users, and plasma chains, which are essentially sidechains that can be used to process transactions in parallel with the main Ethereum network. Together, these solutions have greatly improved the scalability of the Ethereum network, making it more viable for use cases that require high transaction volumes, such as online gaming and gambling.


Ethereum has a strong reputation for security. The platform is designed to be tamper-proof, with all transactions recorded on the blockchain. This makes it an attractive option for companies and individuals looking to conduct secure transactions without fear of fraud or hacking.

Community Support

Ethereum has a strong community of developers, investors, and enthusiasts. This community has contributed to the platform’s success by creating DApps, providing funding, and promoting the platform through social media and other channels.

ETC Casinos

The popularity of Ethereum has led to the development of Ethereum Classic casinos (etc casinos), which allow users to gamble using ETC. These casinos have become increasingly popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, and many consider them to be a more secure and transparent alternative to traditional online casinos.


Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have become a popular way for startups to raise funds. Many of these ICOs are built on the Ethereum platform, which has contributed to the platform’s popularity and success.


Ethereum is designed to be interoperable with other blockchain platforms. This means that it can be used in conjunction with other cryptocurrencies and platforms, further increasing its potential uses and applications.

Ethereum Classic

In 2016, Ethereum suffered a hack that resulted in the theft of millions of dollars worth of Ether. The Ethereum community responded by hard forking the platform, creating two versions of Ethereum – Ethereum and Ethereum Classic (ETC). ETC is still in use today and is popular with some cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors.

Financial Institutions

Ethereum has gained the attention of major financial institutions, including JP Morgan, which has developed its own version of Ethereum called Quorum. This institutional support has helped to increase the legitimacy and popularity of the platform.

Ethereum Alliance

Another factor that contributed to the success of Ethereum was the formation of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) in 2017. The EEA is a consortium of companies that aim to leverage Ethereum’s blockchain technology for business applications. This partnership with major corporations helped to increase the credibility and adoption of Ethereum as a viable technology for enterprise solutions.

Community Support

Ethereum has a large and active community of developers, enthusiasts, and investors who are passionate about the platform’s potential. This community has contributed to the development of the ecosystem by creating new tools, services, and applications that build on top of Ethereum’s technology. This strong community support has helped to establish Ethereum as a leading blockchain platform.

Adoption by Enterprises

The Ethereum platform has been adopted by several major enterprises for various use cases. For example, Microsoft Azure has integrated Ethereum into its cloud services, and several companies have joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance to explore the technology’s potential. This adoption by established companies has helped to increase Ethereum’s credibility and legitimacy.

Interoperability with Other Blockchains

Ethereum’s technology is designed to be interoperable with other blockchain platforms, allowing for the exchange of data and assets between different networks. This interoperability has enabled new use cases and applications that were previously impossible. For example, the Ethereum Classic (ETC) blockchain has been integrated into several cryptocurrency casinos, enabling players to bet with ETC.

Consensus Mechanism

Ethereum’s consensus mechanism, known as Proof-of-Stake (PoS), is more energy-efficient than the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism used by Bitcoin. PoS allows users to validate transactions and create new blocks on the blockchain by holding a stake in the network. This reduces the need for expensive hardware and energy-intensive mining activities, making it more accessible and environmentally friendly.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Ethereum’s support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has also contributed to its success. NFTs are unique digital assets that can represent anything from artwork to in-game items. The ability to create and trade these assets on the Ethereum blockchain has led to a new market for digital collectibles.

Large Developer Community

Ethereum has a large and active developer community that contributes to its growth and development. The community is responsible for building new DApps, contributing to the core code, and improving the network’s overall performance. This collaborative effort has helped Ethereum to maintain its position as the leading smart contract platform.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Ethereum’s success can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its ability to execute smart contracts, the creation of decentralized applications, its strong reputation for security, community support, and interoperability with other platforms. Additionally, the development of ETC casinos has contributed to the popularity of the platform among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. As Ethereum continues to evolve and innovate, it is likely that we will see even more use cases for this versatile and powerful blockchain platform.